A Huge and Heratfelt THANK YOU to Lyn who writes the excellent and inspiring TWO GHOSTS, for honoring me with the Beautiful Blogger Award!
Here's what I have to do when I accept the award: 1. Thank and link to the person who gave me the award...Thank you Lyn- I really appreciate you passing this on to me and I love Two Ghosts!
2. Pass Award on to 7 bloggers I've recently discovered, (more or less), and whom I think are fantastic!! Here goes:
Here's what I have to do when I accept the award: 1. Thank and link to the person who gave me the award...Thank you Lyn- I really appreciate you passing this on to me and I love Two Ghosts!
2. Pass Award on to 7 bloggers I've recently discovered, (more or less), and whom I think are fantastic!! Here goes:
4. State 7 things about myself:
1.I was in a band called Primordia and released three cds on the World Serpent label, which are very rare and seem to be collectors' items these days.
2.I used to love DJing (I'm more of a selector- am crap at mixing!) and ran a club night and put bands on in Stoke Newington for a bit in the late 80s.
3.In 1993 I lived next door to Tommy Steele in a squat.
4. I am a qualified reiki practitioner and an aromatherapy nut.
5. I have a wonky left eye.
6. I studied art history with the Open University.
7. I am allergic to almost everything but live in hope and homeopathy.
Love, Love, Love xxx